Here is how to enjoy the rare gap between engagements on a Saturday afternoon:
First, get a couple of honey tangerines and something to juice them with (the vintage "Juice King" was just something I had lying around the kitchen).
Second, look in your freezer for that bottle of Ouzo that you bought purely out of kitch because you were having a Greek themed meal on night in the previous week.
(Oh, and you might want to grab a couple of ice cubes while you're in there....)
Third, pour the juice into a martini shaker (or a glass if you're not a fan of bruised alcohol) along with one shot of the Ouzo (a 4:1 ratio of juice to Ouzo) and shake (or stir) until icy cold.
Lastly, pour this into a cocktail glass.
(You can't tell from the photo, but mine has polka dots etched into it.)
This is truly nectar of the Gods. It is both sweet and slightly tart and (for my palette) the overwhelmingly anisette flavour of the Ouzo is toned down just enough to where it doesn't burn the back of my throat, but I can still very much taste what I am drinking.
Cheers, friends.
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